Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

These first photos are from the first day at Sheridan School in Ventura.  Sheridan is a one of three schools in Ventura County to immerse their kindergarten and first graders both in English and Spanish.  It is amazing that some of the children who have never spoken a word of Spanish will be immersed in 90 percent Spanish and 10 percent English, and vice versus.  The last picture above is a boy who will begin his kindergarten year knowing only a few words in far.  


This last photo was a from an assignment to describe how budget cuts in education have caused the increase in number of students in the classrooms.  My job was to illustrate the "crowdedness" of the classroom.  The classroom was really crowded with 34 students and only one teacher to paint all of their feet!  Great teacher, though, she really had everyone under control.  This girl really made this picture.

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