Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Harvest Day at Bridges Charter School

Thousand Oaks 11/19/10 
Natalia Rodriguez, center, scoops a nutritional snack of grains and raisins, mixed in the nutritional foods exhibit next to her friends, Chad Carpenter and Savannah Milazzo, Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 during a Bridges Charter School's first Harvest Festival, in Thousand Oaks.  The festival featured activity areas where students from grades K-7 could build a permanent labyrinth on the playground, participate in Zumba, learn how to garden and recycle.  A bird exhibition by Luzonica Birds of the World, displaying various predatory birds was also featured..  

Thousand Oaks 11/19/10 
Parent volunteer of the performing arts group Merley Greenridge dances in the Zumba class with the students, Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 during a Bridges Charter School's first Harvest Festival, in Thousand Oaks.  The festival featured activity areas where students from grades K-7 could build a permanent labyrinth on the playground, participate in Zumba, learn how to garden and recycle.  A bird exhibition by Luzonica Birds of the World, displaying various predatory birds was also featured.

Thousand Oaks 11/19/10 
Skyler Petrula blows on a Zumba prop scarf while dancing in a Zumba session, Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 during a Bridges Charter School's first Harvest Festival, in Thousand Oaks.  The festival featured activity areas where students from grades K-7 could build a permanent labyrinth on the playground, participate in Zumba, learn how to garden and recycle.  A bird exhibition by Luzonica Birds of the World, displaying various predatory birds was also featured.

Thousand Oaks 11/19/10 
Parent volunteer Renee LeBron helps Thomas Rizzoti plant lettuce in the school garden, Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 during a Bridges Charter School's first Harvest Festival, in Thousand Oaks.  The festival featured activity areas where students from grades K-7 could build a permanent labyrinth on the playground, participate in Zumba, learn how to garden and recycle.  A bird exhibition by Luzonica Birds of the World, displaying various predatory birds was also featured.

Thousand Oaks 11/19/10 
Students walk along the labyrinth path they helped to build, Friday, Nov. 19, 2010 during a Bridges Charter School's first Harvest Festival, in Thousand Oaks.  The festival featured activity areas where students from grades K-7 could build a permanent labyrinth on the playground, participate in Zumba, learn how to garden and recycle.  A bird exhibition by Luzonica Birds of the World, displaying various predatory birds was also featured.

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