Sunday, September 18, 2011

2008 Metrolink Anniversary

This was an annual memorial for those who lost their lives in the big 2008 Metrolink train accident that happened in Chatworth. There was a nice memorial site built, with the names of some of the local residents who died on that train. It was striking to see how still very challenging it was for the survivors and those left behind.  I was also struck by how close the community of survivors was. 

This assignment of sorrow and rememberance was easier to photograph than other assignments like this mainly because everyone there were so open and accepting, and eager to share their memories of their loved ones.  But that is not always the case.

It is usually difficult to photograph moments when there is loss and sorrow.  Part of this has to do with my understanding that those moments are often very emotional and private.  Several times in the past I've been ridiculed by bystanders as being intrusive and insensitive.  But I suppose that is the nature of my job.  I try to rationalize that there is an important story to tell and I'm fostering an understanding between those in the photographs and those who are viewing them.  The tougher part for me to work with on these assignments is the sorrow and grief.  I don't know what it is like to lose someone close to me to an accident or disaster, but when I see the faces of those left behind and hear their cries, I feel it in my gut, a terrifying realization of how fragile life is and how it could have been my wife or children or relatives or friends in that disaster, their names on stones and crosses at this memorial.  I do not want to be the person here a survivor at this memorial, but the reality is, I could have been and still could be.

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