Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oxnard Farmer's Market

Sometimes the challenge of being sent out on a wild art assignment (assigned to find stand-alone pictures to add art to the newspaper) is not knowing what you will find, while still under the pressure that you must find something that is interesting and well photographed enough to publish.  I was lucky on this day and found a treasure trove of things to photograph at the Oxnard Farmer's Market.  My biggest challenge of the day was being able to speak Spanish to those visiting the market (since, the population in the heart of Oxnard is primarily Hispanic).  But with patience (mainly on the side of those I was trying to communicate with, I was able to learn enough information from them for my captions, and even made some friends.  I've since then enrolled in a Spanish class so I can make less of a fool of myself next time.

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