Tuesday, September 13, 2011



It is a great honor to be able to contribute to the stories commemorating the events of 9/11.  Ten years ago when I saw the first historical newspaper headlines, gut-wrenching photos and reportage of the terrorist attacks I wasn't a photographer then but felt a calling to somehow be a part in telling the stories of those affected by the attacks.  Ten years later, being able to hear some of the personal experiences of those who were there at the Twin Towers the moment the planes struck, it was sobering to see how their memories were still so very strong and real.  Listening to and photographing Dan White, a survivor who escaped Tower 2 before it collapsed brought back the feelings of sadness, terror and anger...and then national pride I and so many other Americans experienced 10 years ago.  What was clear about Dan's story was how no matter what challenge or danger stood in his way he had to get home.  His experience of surviving death since then has made clear to him what was truly important in his life, his family. 

Dedication to local heroes (firemen, police, and paramedics)by children at Flory Academy in Moorpark, Calif.  

It was also interesting to realize that in the ten years that have passed since 9/11 a whole generation of children who were born after the attacks have grown up without the understanding of what happened that terrible day. The thought crossed my mind, as I was photographing the children assembled to give thanks to the heroes, that they were like I an others of my generation when thanking veterans of WWII, we don't have a clue to what it was like to be a nation involved in such global struggle and pain.  Without the stories of those who experienced those times, and without the education to explain to the children the meanings behind the holidays they enjoy away from school, we will lose perspective.  So I was pleased when Flory Academy held this event of giving thanks to our local heroes and spending the day to educate the children on the events of 9/11.

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